Sunday, April 18, 2010

PORSCHE panamera

It ıs a new model of Porsche, PANAMERA. It ıs one of the greatest engineering artwork. This car ıs provided by 500 horsepower, 4.8 litre-turbo V8  engine. It is amzazing...Moreover this car can go from zero to 100 kilometers per hour ın 3.8 seconds. Panamera has wonderful design with dive sport sedan. I think it is very good car for businessmen, who love sport cars and the same time want to have a classic business car, because they can find all of these highligts in 0ne car - Porsche Panamera. Finally, I want to say you if you have enough money just buy it and enjoy your life...

1 comment:

  1. oh I wish I had a car like this!!!

    but I guess that will only be true in my dreams :))
