Saturday, March 20, 2010


Healthy diet has two positive effects on people. First effect of this is on our body. In fact, having balanced menu; in other words taking enough amount of nutrients such as carbonhydrets, proteins, fats, vitamins and sugar contributes to having a strong immune system. As a result, people are procted from deseases, viruses and bacterias. Second effect of this is on our mind. That is eating nuts, fish, fruits .etc. nourishes our brain. Thus, the connection between nerve cells become stronger and it leads to having a good nerve system. Because of this people might have a good memory. To conclude, if people want to have a strong body and a good memory, they sould have a healthy diet.

1 comment:

  1. line 5).. diseases..
    line 6)..mind. Eating nuts..

    very good :)
